The approach of this article is based on 7 simple steps you must observe for you to become regular saver savings as a college student:
1. Have A financial goal: first of all before even thing about the money, realize that you as a student require one need or the other, for example: to start a small side business while in school.
2. Differentiate between need and want: most student tends to get this wrong as some of them end up settling for those things they don't really need as against essentials. For example, planning to buy jewelries instead of a personal computer.
3. Don't give negative reasons: like i don't work yet, so my income or allowances are not enough. You need to know that no amount is too small to put aside for the raining day.
4. Reduce expenses and increase income: this as a simple method that can save you a lot of savings indirectly. That is, for instance instead of frequent visits to the night clubs, you can reduce that rate and start investing little or penny amount of money on penny stocks of companies.
5. Cultivate reading habits: start reading books on personal finance and all that to increase the level of your financial literacy.
6. Chose you friends wisely: you should think about leaving friends who don't share the same passion or interest as you to prevent them from pulling you down o.k?
7. Personal discipline: if I were to give a personal clause, I would say that you must observe all the above steps for you to realize your goal especially discipline. I tell you saving money tips for college students is all about discipline. Read full story

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